Gear : Introduction : Gear is a simple machine with teeth that increase the force needed to pull or push something. It is transmitt the power. Gear एक साधारण मशीन है जो किसी चीज को धक्का देने के लिए आवश्यक बल को बढ़ाती है ..यह पावर को ट्रांसमिट करती है! Gear terminology :- 1. pitch circle :- it is an imaginary circle which by pure rolling action would give the same motion as the actual gear. 2. Pitch circle diameter :- It is the diameter of the pitch circle. the size of the gear is usually specified by the pitch circle diameter .it is also called pitch diameter. 3. Pitch point :- It is the common point of contact between two gears. 4 Addendum :- It is a radial distance of a tooth from the Pitch Circle to the top of the tooth. 5. Dedendum :- it is a radial distance of a tooth from pitch circle to the bottom of the tooth. 6...
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