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Showing posts from June, 2020


MECHANICAL ENGINEERING INTRODUCTION :- Technically, mechanical Engineering is the application of  motion, energy and force  and  it is also a problem solving techniques of engineering for any subject from design to manufacturing to the marketplace . Mechanical engineers create their own image because their creativity technology is connected to our daily life and affects us immensely. All the work done by this field is very useful for the modern age and the product or service produced by them is rough  Kind of extremely useful for us. In order to understand mechanical engineering, we need some other touched information for help. such as  including mechanics , material technology, thermodynamics , structural analysis, production , industrial management and other knowledge Mechanical engineering have some most important special and helpfull subjects which is included manufacturing, Cumbution, nanotechnology and robotics. Which is very interesting and...


"DYNAMOMETER :-                            A dynamometers are also a brake but in addition It has a device to measure the frictional resistance , knowing the frictional resistance. We may find the torque transmitted and hence the power of the engine. Types of dynamometer : -     Mainly there are the two types of dynamometers used for measuring the  power of an engine 1.) Absorption dynamometers. 2.) Transmission dynamometers. 1. Absorption dynamometers :-                                                    Here In the absorption type dynamometer the entire energy produced by the engine and it is observed by the frictional resistance of the brake .it is transmitted into heat , during the process of measurement. Classification of absorption type dynamometer :- a) Prony b...


RGPV DIPLOMA SYLLABUS FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING RGPV Diploma Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering:-                                Here is some information of the Mechanical Engineering in a course of study in mechanical engineering (Diploma) in the Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (Polytechnic Wing) .  Here we provide you the syllabus of mechanical engineering curiculum in diploma RGPV.  Below here is the complete list of all 1,2,3,4,5,6 Semesters syllabus subjects.  [Note :- this information is taken from RGPVs official website and it is taken from the sessional year of 2018-19 ( may be after this year rgpv be repaire Or correction in it ] RGPV DIPLOMA MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SYLLABUS FOR 1st SEMESTER:-                         Semester   S. No .          Name of subjec...


BRAKE Introduction:-                                                        Brake is a device  by means  of which artificial resistance is applied to moving  machine in order to retard or stop the stop the motion of a machine.            ब्रेक एक ऐसा उपकरण है जिसके माध्यम ऐसा उपकरण है जिसके माध्यम से किसी भी चलती मशीन पर कृत्रिम प्रतिरोध लागू किया जाता है ताकि मशीन की गति धीमी या बंद हो सके | The brake absorbs kinetic energy of moving member and convert it into the form of heat. ब्रेक चलित सदस्य की सदस्य की kinetic energy को absorb करता है और इसे Heat  के रूप में प्रसारित कर देता है| Classification of Brakes :- Classifcation of Brakes  SOM E BRAKE LINING MATERIALS :- 1.  CAST IRON ON CAST IRON 2.  BRONZE ON CAST IRON 3.  STEEL ON CAST IRON.  4.  LEAT...


GEAR TRAINS Introduction :-                                " Geal train is the combination of gear wheel which is used to transmit motion and power from one shaft to another shaft" "गियर ट्रेन में दो या अधिक gears का संयोजन होता है जिसके द्वारा एक सबसे दूसरे साथ में पावर ट्रांसमिशन की जाती है | " Classification of gear trains :- 1.  Simple gear train 2.  Compound gear train 3. Epicyclic gear train  4  Reverted Gear train 1. Simple gear train :-                                            When there is only one gear on each shaft .it is known as simple gear train. The gears are represented by their pitch circles.  इस प्रकार की गियर ट्रेन में प्रत्येक सॉफ्ट पर एक ही गियर लगा होता है तथा प्रायः ड्राइवर एवं ड्रिवन gears के बीच एक या अधिक आइडलर गियर होते हैं | Simple gear train Let...


TYPES OF GEARS  classification of gear   :  1.  according to position of shaft :   (A) * Parallel Shaft .. :-                                        The two parallel and coplanar shaft are connected by gears.  EXAMPLE :-                      1. SPUR GEARS                     2. HELICAL GEARS :-  ( 1. Single helical and 2. Double helical)  1''SPUR GEARS :-                              The teeth are straight to shaft axis. Spur gear used to transmit the power between two parallel shaft.    characteristics :- 1. High power transmission . 2. easy to design and manufacturing . 3.c heap in cost compared to other.  Limitations:- 1. Not suitable for too soft w...


VIBRATION Introduction : When elastic bodies such as a spring, a beam and a shaft are displaced from the equilibrium position by the application of external forces, and then released, they execute a vibratory motion. This is due to the reason that, when a body is displaced, the internal forces in the form of elastic or strain energy are present in the body. At release, these forces bring the body to its original position. When the body r eaches the equilibrium position, the whole of the elastic or strain energy is converted into kinetic energy due to which the body continues to move in the opposite direction. The whole of the kinetic energy is again converted into strain energy due to which the body again returns to the equilib- rium position. In this way, the vibratory motion is repeated indefinitely. Terms Used in Vibratory Motion:- 1. Period of vibration or time period:- It is the time interval after which the motion is.Repeated itself. The period of vibratio...